Friday, June 4, 2010


Unfortunately, I hit some one car today

I think i'm not focus enough at that time.

Very sorry,

and I should be alert all the while.


Wednesday, March 24, 2010

In the right track?

Am I in the right track?

Don't know!

Am I like my current job?


To communicate with workers who less educated, try to understand their "English"

To work under hot sun, chemical smell. Of course, is not for health.

To learn something all over again, my degree seems not useful AT ALL.

But I will lose my patience when explain something to them and I can't understand India's English.

I think all my friends know that I don't like work under hot sun. But, I think no one will like it. haha

I'm really not confident with what I suppose to do,


( I'm ok, no worries)   =)

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Leaved Malaysia- Reached Singapore

Finally change my job.

Actually I get this job since November, but due to the efficiency of this company's HR, I’m just working this month. #$%6##5&^^###

Before leaving for Singapore, i didn't inform many people, but i still have a great KTV section with debate team friends. I'm so enjoy of that night. Woohoo!

And the day after, i reach Singapore.

The first day go to office report myself, and the HR told me that today is not consider ur hired day so no pay will be given. The reason is, i haven go to MOM do finger printing, and i have to do it tomorrow, because today booking has been filled. Alamak....

Until now, i haven been delegated for any task yet, most of the time spend for permit stuff, orientation and training. But I know that i need to work at Jurong Island, and i went to the office there also. Well, is a big refinery plant. Many stuff i gotta catch up. Wish me luck, please. Haha

* My working place is a refinery plant, got many stuff like this*

Guys, just let you all know that, now everyday i gotta wake up very early, 5:30am like this, and only manage to reach home at 7pm. Not that i'm hardworking, is because travel time to and from Jurong Island is really long....

Ok, talking about accommodation here, suppose, i should stay at company's hostel. But, the environmental there is really terrible. When i open my room door, i saw a bowl, which still have some food there, but nobody in the room. I believe that bowl belongs to my roommate, and he didn’t wash it and just let it be at the room for one night. Oh, my god. And, i decided to move!

Will move in to new room tomorrow, and the owner of the house is my senior, Kim Tian's friend. Please don't think that he find the room for me, is myself find the room through internet, and from chatting, I knew that the owner is his friend. See, how small of the world, and how many Malaysian is leaving Malaysia. Sigh...

More and more to tell, let me update u guys at Chinese New Year. See you guys. =)

Friday, January 8, 2010


Yesterday, a draftsman came over my room, passed me the drawing.

He is standing in front of me while I’m sitting still.

He is waiting for my signature.

I look at him, his eyes shows me a respect as I'm an engineer for him.

I sign it quickly; I don want to waste his time.

Actually, I wish to tell him, I’m not worth for the respect that you gave.

I know nothing in design and I didn’t contribute any to company.

Or more precisely to say, I’m a trashman in office.

I’m just lucky; I have more chance to get higher education than you.

That’s all I owned.

Now, i think is time to develop more for myself.

Wednesday, December 30, 2009


This year, many things happen, many things change.

Early of the year, I’m still an undergraduate, busy with thesis and part time job. Was driving me crazy that time when both of them clash together. The purpose I’m doing that job was getting some money for my New Zealand Work and Travel Plan, meanwhile, gaining some experience in this industry. Because, I believe I will join in similar industry at my career path. But, end up, I didn’t join in a similar industry, yet drastic deviation happened. Ha-ha. That’s called life.

Finally, all those stuff get over. And my title change from undergraduate to traveler and cheap labour. Yeah!

New Zealand, I have spent around 3 months in this country. Working hard to earn money, no matter how cold is, how heavy rain are, how strong of UV, still have to work. Met many people there, having a good time with them. See lots of nice view, until I got no more rasa. Done many activities, step on glacier, hiking at Snow Mountain, fly from 12000feets, awesome! But, nothing is perfect. I was facing some frustrating issue there also. Well, is over! Just have to remind myself be tougher. =)

Again, my designation change again, from traveler change to jobless people. Haha.

When I come back, attend convocation. Frankly speaking, my mind is not yet ready for the convocation at that time. Just the next 2 day right after I came back from Australia. I even wore white shirt to attend my convocation, *shame* (It’s stated that must wear dark color shirt for guy) Anyway, I have a wonderful moment there. *sweet*

One thing that I never expected was, I’m the chief coordinator for Tiong Hua Cup-2009. Oh, Shit!! This is a consequences of do not know how to say NO! Gone through 1 months plus process, it makes I grew up a lot in debate. I know more well to this big family. But the result was not a good one, we were lost! So sorry….

Another thing surprised everyone is, I went to China. I’m not going to big city, but my grandfather’s home, Guang Xi. Some more, I’m not stay in town, but in village. A place that consider undeveloped, no water supply, car cannot get in. Slightly differ from usual, I’m not very reluctant of staying there. May be because of the relatives there is really welcome us, they deemed me as their brother indeed. Praying ancestor there for 3 days, get to know better about my family history, drinking china beer with all my “brother”, take bath with the water from mountain, speak some language that I cannot speak well. haha Was an amazing experience.

WoW! My status was change again after came back from china, from unemployed undergraduate to structural engineer. I never ever expect myself will be a structural engineer, but I don’t know why there are very few jobs relating with environment in market, and doesn’t offer me a good paid nor chances. So, I change my path. Start from zero, learn everything all over again. I’m so passion to this job initially, until one moment……

Conclusion: A year with many changes, consider fruitful.

What’s next, anticipating……

Sunday, December 13, 2009


要过去南岛了,之前有人千叮咛,万吩咐我们不用去Milford Souind,他说,那边的景色和从北岛坐渡轮到南岛的景色没两样。
所以我们就决定,不去Milford Sound!但是在渡轮上的景色也只是普普通通而已。

比较奇特的是今晚住的地方,同样是backpacker hostel,里面住满了世界各国的背包客

途中,竟然巧遇在Mandarin Orchard的日本朋友,Tatsuya,世界真的是小啊。。。


这是我认为纽西兰第二美的路景, 好震撼啊。。



来到了我很想很想到的地方,Franz Josef,也是冰川之地啊。。



Saturday, November 7, 2009



Taupo,距离Rotorua只有区区的一小时车程,据闻这里Skydive是全纽西兰最便宜的。所以,来到这里,就是要跳! 1万两千尺的高空中跳下!






我很天真,我以为教练会数1,2,3 才跳下去。

教练一直在我身后喊,banana! banana!!




Wednesday, October 14, 2009


I have to make a decision which certainly deviates from what I want, or I should say a decision that must scarify something in my life.

Either work in KL, as a civil engineer, dealing with design work.


Work in Johor, as an environmental engineer, dealing with landfill.

Working at KL, I got my family here; I got life here, even though doing something not I prefer the most.

Working at Johor, I can further my knowledge of what I learnt before, and I will be more confident on what I do.

Working at KL, can save my budget on accommodation and food.

Working at Johor (JB), the living expenses as high as KL, but I have to pay the rental fees of my room.

For the job scope, I prefer the second job; for the location and money, I prefer the first job.


Monday, October 12, 2009



一个充满臭鸡蛋味道的城市,是火山地带,没记错的话,那臭臭的味道是硫磺味吧。这里有着各式各样刺激的游戏,但我一个都没玩,哈哈,省钱啊。去了wai-o-tapu thermal wonderland,这个地方就是一个有着各式各样的岩热地带,地形会浮现不同颜色,水的颜色也来个红橙黄绿蓝。这里的雾气很大,偶尔会让人自以为置入仙境。哈哈。虽然说这里是,火山地带,理应上,应该是比较温暖的,但,当天真的是冷到。。。连白天都一样冷啊!



Hamilton Garden
我们的目的地,其实不是这里,刚巧路过,Lonely Planet 又把这里形容的天花乱坠的,就姑且来瞧一瞧。这里是个花园镇,有着各种各国花园的摆设,可以一次过见识各国花园风情。
Waitomo Cave
这里最著名的是只有南半球有的一种萤火虫,洞里还有很多钟乳石。一进到去,就觉得很冷,冬天还要在冷水里走来走去,可怜。有幸的是可以看到荧光绿的萤火虫,可喜的是玩黑水漂流时,享受到急流,幸好的是玩垂降(abseiling) 时,还可以安全降落。在洞里走走爬爬了5个小时,体力已经被消耗得七七八八了,但,仍得爬上洞外,妈啊,我哪来的力气啊?!!